
Bing Image Search Features explained

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The bulk of people may prefer Google Search over any other alternative search engine, but when information technology comes to searching for quality images, Bing Image Search excels. Recently, Bing published a blog explaining why Microsoft's search engine can produce better image search results. Here is the detailed study of why Microsoft feels Bing Image Search is better than the competition, along with some examples.


Bing Image Search excels!

It won't be a right statement if we say that Google doesn't requite expected results. Google made quite a lot of progress in contempo years, and Google's image search results are pretty good too. Yet, here you will come across what new features Bing has to offer when it comes to Bing image search, making Bing a better image search engine than the competition.

1. Quality of images has been improved in Bing image search

Bing says they can produce better quality images than ever before.  Now Bing returns by and large the High-resolution images for any search, every bit compared to Google.

Bing image search

2. A better understanding of the object being searched

Earlier, search engines used to refer to the text that was used to draw a detail prototype. This text was being used as the information to search for a relevant image. Or, the web folio that contained this paradigm was used every bit a reference. However, now Bing can isolate the paradigm from the rest of its elements, such as text surrounding it and the web page that hosts that image; and derive its position and size. This way, images that are not up to the mark are omitted from the search results. In an official blog, Bing shows an example of such images.

Bing image search

Every bit you can meet in the above case, the images on the right-manus side are filtered out from the search results. For such filtration, specific criteria are used, such every bit whether the object is in the groundwork or the foreground.

3. Displaying Hero Images in Bing image search

This is yet another feature that makes it improve than Google. Bing can display Hero images. A Hero image is a large imprint image that is prominently placed on a web folio. Bing uses this Hero image experience while showing the paradigm results. Nevertheless, instead of putting the Hero images at the centre, these are placed in the top left-hand corner in the Bing image search. This is considering the majority of the people across the earth scan the images from left to correct. This style, users get high-resolution Hero images placed at the beginning.

Bing image search

4. Colour-wise search results

Fifty-fifty Google has the feature of displaying images by filtering them by colour. Yet, Bing meliorate understands the colour considering it detects whether the color is used in the groundwork or used for a particular object.

Bing image search

5. More filtering options for people

Bing certainly has 1 thing that Google does not accept. This is the extra filtration that can exist applied while searching for people, peculiarly celebrities.

Bing image search

In that location is a tab called 'People' where users tin select the options such equally 'Simply Faces' or 'Head & Shoulders'. As the names suggest, users can filter the Bing image search results for simply faces or the images with the head and shoulder of the person.

half dozen. Diverse filters

Bing brings more image filter options for users than Google.  Post-obit are the filters that a user can apply to view the proper prepare of images:

  1. Size: Minor, Medium, Large, Wallpaper
  2. Colors: Color Only, Black & White
  3. Type: Photograph, clipart, Line cartoon
  4. Layout: Square, Wide, Tall
  5. People: Just Faces, Head & Shoulders

Bing image search

With so many filters and options to choose from in the Bing prototype search result, information technology indeed becomes a meliorate search engine than the contest in terms of image searches.

Practice endeavour out Epitome Search and let u.s.a. know what you recollect of information technology.

Now read: How to Find Similar Images Online using Reverse Prototype Search.


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-sixteen) & a Windows Insider MVP. Delight read the unabridged post & the comments first, create a Organisation Restore Signal before making any changes to your arrangement & exist conscientious nigh any 3rd-political party offers while installing freeware.


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