
What happens after Windows 10 free upgrade expiration date?

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Microsoft is offering the Windows 10 upgrade gratuitous to all users of Windows 8.1 Update and Windows seven SP1, till 29th July 2022. Only what happens after the Windows 10 free upgrade expiration end appointment?

What happens after Windows 10 free upgrade expiration date

When does Windows 10 costless upgrade expire?

The gratuitous Windows 10 upgrade offering expires on the midnight of 29th July 2022. After this, if you chose to upgrade, you lot will take to pay.

What volition happen later the complimentary Windows 10 upgrade offer ends?

Windows 10 free upgrade offer ends

If you lot are a user of Windows 8.1 Update or Windows 7 Service Pack i, and if your device supports the new Bone, y'all volition have already received the free upgrade notification via the Get Windows 10 app. The free upgrade isn't bachelor for devices running Windows RT or Windows RT viii.1. Enterprise customers with active Software Assurance subscription in volume licensing have the benefit to upgrade to Windows ten Enterprise offerings exterior of this offer.

Nigh of y'all may have upgraded to Windows ten already, while some of you lot may be unsure. If you lot are sure that yous do not want to avail of this free upgrade offer, Microsoft is now offering you the option to decline the free offer, with the click of a push. In one case you click this button, you will not be offered the gratuitous upgrade once again.

If you lot have upgraded to Windows 10, good for you lot every bit Windows 10 has a lot to offer to you – and information technology'southward always good to be on the latest version of any software.

If y'all are certain that you do non want to avail of this complimentary upgrade offer, Microsoft is now offering you the pick to decline the free offer, with the click of a button. One time you click this button, you will not exist offered the complimentary upgrade once more.

Users who accept not upgraded should now seriously think whether they desire to upgrade or not upgrade and take the advisable decision before fourth dimension runs out.

The free upgrade offering notifications will cease after July 29. Microsoft will also release an update that will remove the Get Windows 10 (GWX) app.

The Media Cosmos Tool and Windows 10 installation media (ISO files) will keep to be bachelor to install Windows 10. If you lot are installing Windows for the outset time, yous will demand a product key. If you've previously installed Windows x on your device, you should have a digital entitlement and Windows 10 will activate without the need to enter a production key.

If you upgrade today, y'all will be eligible to get all future updates for free, for the supported lifetime of the device, and this includes the Ceremony update that's going to be available on 2nd August.

Read: Should y'all upgrade to Windows 10?

How much will Windows 10 cost?

After the free offering ends, the full version of Windows 10 Domicile volition toll USD 119 and Windows x Pro volition cost USD 199.99. Users who want to upgrade from Windows ten Home to Windows 10 Pro can purchase the Windows 10 Pro Pack which costs USD 99.

These can be purchased from the Microsoft Shop or Microsoft retail partners.

Tin can I go along my options open?

Y'all volition not exist avail of the free offering afterwards the deadline. If you want to go along to use your existing Windows version, but desire to keep your options open about using Windows 10 later on on, a proficient option would be for you to upgrade your computer to Windows 10 now and activate information technology. Having washed this, your Windows 10 license will exist tied to the device, thanks to Digital Entitlement. After doing this, you could rollback to your previous Windows version and use it. In the future, if y'all chose to upgrade to Windows 10, y'all would be able to upgrade this device for free, since your activated Windows 10 license would be tied to this device.

Users using Assistive Technologies will exist nevertheless able to upgrade to Windows ten, even later on July 29th.

Where do you stand? Upgraded? Undecided? Or do non want to upgrade!

What happens after Windows 10 free upgrade expiration date

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a x-twelvemonth Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire post & the comments starting time, create a System Restore Point before making whatever changes to your system & be careful about any tertiary-party offers while installing freeware.


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